Strategy and planning

Tours With Paws

Tours with Paws is aiming to be THE travel site for dog owners

It will be a resource where all the information needed to travel smoothly with your pet can be accessed quickly and simply, where products to make journeys easier will be stocked at realistic prices, and where tips, wrinkles and experiences are shared. And that’s the most important part. This isn’t a commercial site targeting pet owners; it’s a friendly place where all of us can participate with experiences, reviews, pictures and ideas.


What is MyBnk

MyBnk are a charity who deliver financial and enterprise education directly to schools and youth organisations. Through their programmes 38,000 11-25 year olds have learnt to manage their money and make enterprising decisions.

Why they do it

UK personal debt is at a record £1.5 trillion, around £9,000 per person and 90% of the UK population have never received any form of money management lessons. Nearly a million young people are out of work.

Hounslow Race & Equalities Council

Hounslow Race & Equalities Council (HREC) is committed to supporting all persons in the London Borough of Hounslow (i.e. residents, students, children, workers and employees) who may experience discrimination in any one of the following areas: -

  • Race
  • Disability
  • Marriage or Civil Partnership
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Sex
  • Religion or Belief
  • Gender Re-assignment
  • Pregnancy & Maternity
  • Age

Silk Road Boutique

Silk Road Boutique is a premium silk product company providing elegant and luxurious 100% mulberry silk sleepwear and loungewear. Throughout the history silk fabrics are celebrated as one of the best types of textiles because of its breathable character and natural compound proteins, which are renowned for freshening and moisturising your delicate skin. 

Climate Week

Britain’s biggest climate change campaign : Climate Week is a supercharged national occasion that offers an annual renewal of our ambition and confidence to combat climate change. It is for everyone wanting to do their bit to protect our planet and create a secure future. Climate Week will shine a spotlight on the many positive steps already being taken in workplaces and communities across Britain. The power of these real, practical examples – the small improvements and the big innovations – will then inspire millions more people.

Silk Road Boutique

Silk Road Boutique is a premium silk product company providing elegant and luxurious 100% mulberry silk sleepwear and loungewear.