We have now rebranded and changed our name to 2Toucans.

Web development

Creative Carers

Creative Carers is an organisation supporting carers via a range of services and activities.

Project overview

The brief was for a new website that would support carers in finding relevant information, and allow members to register, sign in and book activities.

A fully integrated website was requested with the membership functionality, alongside the content management system with frequently updated content.

The Health Foundation

The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK.

Project overview

Working with an existing Drupal 7 installation powering 2 resource centres websites (Patient Safety & Person Centred Care) working on separate domains with Domain Access. Improved CMS functionality, extended the ability and ease for content editors to edit content & front end development. Adding ability to deploy through code with Features.

Life Squared

Life Squared are a not-for-profit organisation helping people to live happier, wiser and more meaningful lives within the pressure and complexity of the modern world.

Roll 7

We are Roll7, we make games. We try to make good games! Most of the time we can be found arguing about the tiniest details to ensure that we deliver something that makes your hands sweat with joy. If you like us, then buy our games. If you have bought our games, please tell people about us. If you sit outside of the aforementioned scenarios, then you need to take a good hard look at your life...

HealthWatch Brent

Healthwatch Brent is your local consumer champion on health & social care services delivered in Brent. They are an independent organisation with the aim of giving people in Brent a stronger voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided in the borough.

CVS Brent

Equipping Voluntary & Community sector organisations to better deliver their services

CVS Brent is an independent, capacity building organisation, supporting groups providing community services on a not-for-profit basis, on behalf of the local community; particularly those local to Brent.

Off Centre

Off Centre is a counselling, therapy, advocacy, advice and psychosocial service for young people aged between 11 and 25 who live, work or study in Hackney. Our services are free, confidential and aimed at helping Hackney’s young people to have greater control over their lives. We help people with all kinds of emotional and practical issues